Focus Areas.
At Harte Media, we have an expansive network of news-shapers, opinion-formers and political influencers at our fingertips.
Media Relations.
Healthy media relations are the lifeblood of any communications-smart firm. They’re also the difference between a successful communications plan and an unsuccessful one.
Our experience means we understand better than anyone how the media industry works and what makes producers and reporters tick. Not only will we work with you to hone your key communication messages, we’ll also identify the most effective delivery routes, by connecting you to the country’s top journalists - in print, online and broadcast.
Crisis Communications.
How you handle a crisis will determine whether your business will continue to exist. We provide best-in-class crisis communications advice and expertise, which ensures your organisation can calmly navigate the intensity of relentless media interest or a heavy news cycle, and anticipate media and political reaction before it happens.
We can also advise your C-suite and board level executives on their crisis management approach, while keeping our ear to the ground mid-crisis to ensure the public’s voice is heard at the board table when critical decisions are being reached.
Strategic Communications.
Public relations is at the heart of everything we do. We help companies, organisations and individuals meet their strategic objectives by enabling them to think differently, build influence and communicate with impact. We will work closely with you to build a communications strategy that aligns with your organisational objectives and ultimately boosts your bottom line.
When you’re ready, we connect you to the country’s top journalists and producers, and help amplify your voice and message in a strategic way that resonates with your key audience. But we don’t stop there. We constantly review, iterate and improve to achieve maximum impact.
Public Affairs.
For many companies, knowing the levers to pull within Government can be a daunting and time-consuming task - but it doesn’t have to be. Garrett can help you build trusted and long-term relationships with audiences across the private and public sector. He will help you map out your industry stakeholders to ensure your public affairs work is targeted, focused and results driven.
After connecting you with your key audience, Garrett will ensure you establish and develop relationships with Government stakeholders, and guide you on how best to navigate issues across the political and policy environment.
Media Training.
Whether you’re a novice or an expert spokesperson, intensive media training is a vital factor in helping you hone your presentation skills.
Our unique approach involves using ‘in-studio’ simulations, mimicking the real-life conditions of a live broadcast interview which is specifically designed to put you under pressure, test your interview techniques and make you think on your feet like a pro. Each simulation is then followed by a larger tailor-made, multi-media workshop in which Garrett coaches and upskills you using a dynamic catalogue of video and audio recordings packed with valuable tips and skills on how to ‘steer an interview’ and ultimately, ensure it connects with your audience.
Digital Engagement.
Understanding the digital landscape and value is essential for all organisations. We will help you optimise your communications strategy across the appropriate digital channels while decoding the online environment for your organisation.
We will assist in content creation, social media management, web design, video and audio production.